According to the different level of mechanization, there are many different accessories and models of automatic vegetable cutter. Today's Mini editor introduces the components of an automatic vegetable cutter with higher level of mechanization and automation.
Accessories are as follows:
1、刀片,作為中 心的配件,刀片能夠說(shuō)是整個(gè)自動(dòng)切菜機的中 心配件,刀片主要擔任完成切菜。
1. Blade, as a central accessory, blade can be said to be the central accessory of the whole automatic cutting machine, blade is mainly used to complete the cutting.
2. Conveyor belt, good vegetable cutter, all have automatic transmission function, you do not need to manually push the required cutting of fruits and vegetables and other objects, you can automatically transfer the required cutting objects to the blade, stop cutting.

3、防護板 ,在切菜的時(shí)分,難免會(huì )有一些雜質(zhì)飛濺出來(lái),此時(shí)就需求有一層防護板停止防護,以免傷害到操作自動(dòng)切菜機的操作人員。
3. When cutting vegetables, there will inevitably be some impurities splashing out. At this time, a layer of protective plate is needed to stop protection, so as not to hurt the operators of the automatic cutting machine.
4、明晰噴頭,這是存在于比擬高 檔一點(diǎn)的自動(dòng)切菜機上才有的配件,主要完成的功用就是當完成整個(gè)切菜過(guò)程后,自動(dòng)沖洗、切菜區所殘留下來(lái)的殘渣,以便下次作業(yè)時(shí)可以快捷的上手停止操作。
4. Clear nozzle, which is a kind of high-end automatic cutting machine. Its main function is to automatically wash and disinfect the residue left in the cutting area after the whole cutting process, so that the next operation can be started quickly.
上述就是自動(dòng)切菜機的幾個(gè)中 心配件,希望大家能對自動(dòng)切菜機有個(gè)整體的理解了,此外,假如需求購置切菜機、切肉機等,請聯(lián)絡(luò )我們,我們必將為您提供全程化的運用指導。
The above are several central parts of the automatic chopper. I hope you can have an overall understanding of the automatic chopper. In addition, if you need to purchase a chopper, meat chopper, etc., please contact us. We will provide you with the whole process guidance.